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USA Custom Chemical Manufacturer

When looking for a USA custom chemical manufacturer, safety should be one of your top concerns. Any manufacturer that cannot meet strict safety standards shows a lack of responsibility and professionalism. Ask them to explain their safety standards to you. Regardless...

Where to Buy Chemicals Online

You can buy chemicals online, and many websites cater to the needs of DIYers. You can purchase everything from paints and cleaning products to industrial chemicals, including biodiesel. You can also find a huge variety of specialty chemicals at discount prices on some...

Where to Find Hard to Find Chemicals

If you are looking for a chemical that you cannot find in your local store, there are several places that you can look. You can check out the EPA’s first ten list, hazardous waste sites, and stores. You can also check out online chemical sites. But where do you...

What is a CAS Number?

You’ve probably been asked a few times before, what is a CAS Number? This article will give you the details about this acronym. If you are not familiar with the acronym, you may not be sure how to pronounce it. In addition to the letters, the number is also...

What is a Chemical Reaction?

A chemical reaction occurs when two or more molecules interact. While some chemical reactions take place in a laboratory, most occur in the world around us and inside the human body. These reactions keep our cells alive. They are reversible and require energy to...